Purple up?


Reefing newb
Never heard of this stuff til the other day. I had bought about 75lbs of live rock about 2-3 weeks ago and all the rocks had purple algae all over them. Now in my tank some of the rocks are spreading even more with the purple algae but there is a couple rocks where it might be dying off a bit but not much. Does the purple up stuff work? I want to try and spread the purple algae to the rocks that have no purple on them to even out the look. Thanks!
I used it in both my tanks and saw a HUGE difference in coralline growth. Bobby is right, coralline will come on its own eventually, under the right conditions, but I found that Purple Up really speeds things up. Other people have not seen any difference when they used it.
Thats all I needed to hear to convince me! Since I done have alot of purple I think it will work but I might be wrong. Hoping I can find it at my LFS because I dont want to order it that takes too long! Thanks for the quick response.
I am lucky and mine spreads like a weed on its own. the back of my tank is almost completely full of coralline after about 2 months of my tank being up and running.

I am lucky and mine spreads like a weed on its own. the back of my tank is almost completely full of coralline after about 2 months of my tank being up and running.


SURE rub it in Doc.LOL Your tank really does look great.
Take the money you'd spend on the purple up and buy yourself a good test kit instead.I wasted some money on purple up.It never did anything except make my tank cloudy.
If you'll keep your calcium,alkalinity,and magnesium levels right,coralline will grow.If you want it to spread quicker.Take a new,stiff tooth brush and scrub a few coralline spores of the patches that are already growing.
I've never notice a difference in using it and not using it.I like to avoid snake oil products.I do the same as Yote-keeping calcium,alk and magnesium at proper levels.
I am in bed with yote on this one (and what fun it was ;))

keep high levels of alk and calcium and it will do its own thing.

Bobby, I meant no disrespect, just lucky. If it makes you feel better, I cannot keep kenya trees alive, so clearly I am not all that.

I am in bed with yote on this one (and what fun it was ;))

keep high levels of alk and calcium and it will do its own thing.

Bobby, I meant no disrespect, just lucky. If it makes you feel better, I cannot keep kenya trees alive, so clearly I am not all that.


Non taken. I was joking. LOL :mrgreen:
I figured you loved me more than that to be upset by such a little thing as my tank being prettier than yours ;)

I think your right freak.LOL

Yes your tank does look awsome. I just can't aquascape for nothing. I'll give it a try though and maybe some one can give me some tips on how they do it.HINT HINT
I am lucky and mine spreads like a weed on its own. the back of my tank is almost completely full of coralline after about 2 months of my tank being up and running.


Send some of your luck my way. I can't get it to grow at all. I've tried everything.
I've never notice a difference in using it and not using it.I like to avoid snake oil products.I do the same as Yote-keeping calcium,alk and magnesium at proper levels.

I never tested for magnesium. Could this be why mine doesn't grow? My calcium and alk are good.
I don't know what magnesium does, let alone how to test or dose for it. I trust the salt I use to put in all that is needed, which is why I am such a religious believer in regular water changes. It just erases so many mistakes and imperfections with our systems.

As for coralline, you need to have a rock already in there to seed it. once it starts growing on the glass, I like to scrape it and it seems to float around in the tank and land other places. I know that high levels of cal and alk have something to do with it. I am no expert, just lucky I guess. Some people on this forum have learned through school, reading books, working is fish stores, etc. I learned what works through killing many things from stupidity. My goal now is to help someone else not be a stupid as I was.

Bobby. as for aquascaping, try looking a pictures of rock formations in the mountains or cool looking buildings and imagine in your mind's eye what that would look like as a reef. There, now you have my secret. I pass by a rock formation to work everyday that is really cool and that is what my current tank is based on. It works for me
