Purple Tang?


Reefing newb
My next fish I want is an expensive Purple Tang according to what I've read online, they are peaceful. But will they be peaceful with a Yellow Tang I currently have? Will it be a brawl?

Is this for the 50g tank? If so, 1 tang is pushing it, 2 tangs will lead to nothing but problems and most likely 1 dead tang.
Two tangs from zebrasoma family(Yellow and Purple)will most likely not get along.It could be an all out war even in much larger tanks.I agree with the rest Capt and Biff,a 50g. is too small for even one tang.
That is too small of a tank for your yellow.
I have a purple and yellow on my 120 and the yellow is after the purple for the first 2 days but I then placed a Mirror at one end of the tank and it stop. they both are now buddies. But I would not recomend it though.
purple tangs are the spawn of satan. Avoid the little bastards at all costs. hate, hate, hate them (sorry, PTSD). Tank is too small. Purple tangs tend to be aggressive toward other zebramosa tangs and other tangs in general. A good rule of thumb for purple and sohal tangs are for them to be the only tangs in the tank
