Protein Skimmer Setup


Reefing newb
My LFS highly recommended the Sea Clone 100, which I read everywhere now that it isn't recommended. With that said after spending the money, and cannot return it I'm going to make use of it for a while. My tank was just setup 48 hours ago as an FYI.

How do you properly set up a HOB protein skimmer? Mine ingests air into the water intake tube, there is a tornado action in the skimmer itself and the water returns. The return is currently causing a lot of micro bubbles. Am I adding too much air to the mixture? What should it look like? How much air should I add?

There really aren't any good articles, or pictures to reference online from my google results.
I am not familiar with the sea clones but there is quite a bit of threads on them . Just type in sea clone up in the search drop down box. You may find what you need there
Generally speaking, new HOB skimmers produce microbubbles until they get broken in. My HOB Skimmer produced microbubbles for about 48 hrs after setting up.
Do you use tap water with a water conditioner/dechlorinator? If so, that will screw the skimmer up and make it work funky.

Even if you don't, skimmers usually take a week or two to break in and start working. During that time, you just need to turn it down so that it won't flood and wait it out.
I did use tap water and conditioner. I know everyone here suggests RO, but the LFS's and aquarium club all use tap water, so I thought it would be okay.
In some areas it is. Some places have very good water quality. Some places (like where I live), you may as well be dumping algae straight into your tank.
I hate to say it.But you'll always have the micro-bubbles with your seaclone.When I was running one on my 30 gal. It never did stop causing bubbles in the tank.
But I'll say that on a small,lightly stocked tank,then the seaclones aint really that bad a skimmer.You just have to remember that they do have limitations.
If you are going to use a conditioner use prime it wont over react the skimmer. Things like AqaSafe will, anything that says it promotes a slime coat will make the skimmer go crazy.
If you are going to use a conditioner use prime it wont over react the skimmer. Things like AqaSafe will, anything that says it promotes a slime coat will make the skimmer go crazy.

I am using Prime right now and wanted to point out that Prime Claims "regeneration of the natural slime coat of fish". Like AquaSafe and the others out there.
Hmm so it does I stand corrected. However I know for a fact that prime doesnt screw with the skimmer and Aquasafe does I have used both.
I found some articles and videos on how to mod the skimmer. From what I read and saw, the skimmer responds very well to some specific mods. I'm sorry I can't tell you where I read and saw these videos - it was 6 months ago. Some guy did a mod and increased the skimming efficiency by about 50% and another mod was done to increase the contact time in the bubble chamber. Also a mod to the cup so it could be drained into a larger bucket to reduce weekly duping of the cup.

Do some searches on google and you tube. You'll find some good stuff on that skimmer. :Cheers:
My seaclone also gave me non-stop bubbles. Hopefully you can tune yours enough to minimize them. I would suggest that you have your tap water tested for TDS before assuming that it is ok for your tank. The RO water will be better for you and for the health of your tank in the long run. Just my 2c.