Reefing newb
Lately it's been one thing after another. After doing a water
Change last weekend, I also cleaned my skimmer.
It had been running perfect until I cleaned it. Now, I can't get
It to skim properly and it's putting all kinds of micro
Bubbles into my display tank. With the Venturi wide
Open it fills the cup in less than twenty minutes
With just water rather a nice skim mate . The skimmer
Is a HOB sea clone 100. Has anyone experienced
This type of problem? What can I do, aside from
The obvious get a new skimmer.
Change last weekend, I also cleaned my skimmer.
It had been running perfect until I cleaned it. Now, I can't get
It to skim properly and it's putting all kinds of micro
Bubbles into my display tank. With the Venturi wide
Open it fills the cup in less than twenty minutes
With just water rather a nice skim mate . The skimmer
Is a HOB sea clone 100. Has anyone experienced
This type of problem? What can I do, aside from
The obvious get a new skimmer.