thanks guys.. i musta not been too high if i got motivated enough to do all that huh? hehehe naw, but anyway, i know that marking it off in the main skimmer section is kinda pointless cause that side will allways be full, but i figured eh, why not... the really important markings are in the return pump section, so that way i can just glance and know how much capacity i have, and if i let it go for a given period, it will give me a much more reliable measurement as to just how much i'm loosing, either to evap, or whatever, so that way, once i have a baseline established, lets say i'm loosing 1 gallon per day, and then all of a sudden i notice i've dropped 2 gallons since i left for work, i know to look for something wrong...
oh, and the full and low markings will be labeled with my trusty dymo labeler...
also spent some time yesterday working on what will be the fuge. its a large clear plastic container, that i siliconed the lid onto for rim strength, and then cut the top out of... drilled and siliconed in the "overflow" plumbing, so now i'm waiting till the silicone is set...,
something else that i started thinking about last night, i have a couple smaller pumps, but not any big ones, and liking redundancy, i was thinking, what if, instead of having a sepperate pump for the fuge alone, why not use one of my rio2100's and split its flow, part going into the fuge from the sump, and then the rest going up and into the tank, that would help offset the loss of the flow from the rena fillstar x3 filter, that basically has nothing in it, and is just basically flow at this point...(i'm thinking i'll keep the return hardware, and just pull the canister filter and the suction tube out of the system...) and all that dosent even mention the loss of flow cause of the tank now being right at a foot higher, that means that there is that much more head pressure, and thus loss of flow, the second pump should more than make up for that loss...
one thing that i know that i'll have to be carefull of is putting too much return back into the tank, and that flow rate being faster than my HOB overflow box can handle... i'll just have to play with it some i guess...
plus, if i do it that way, then when i get my algae scrubber built, IT can just use one of my smaller pumps, like the 190 for its flow, and it can be on a seperate switch, so it can be turned on and off at will and not have it disturbe the rest of the system... for maint. and stuff...
Made a trip to the hardware store yesterday as well, picked up some new pvc parts and some more clear tubing.. and a few other odds and ends that i need to make all this work.. one thing that i got was some nylon screws to replace the brass screw that was in what i'm gonna use as my ato valve...
my plan for now is to mount the ato valve on an adjustable frame, so that i can set the water height easily. then the ato resevoir will just be a container under the stand somewhere, that will hold the rodi water, and will gravity feed the valve. my plan is to have a "fill port" and some clear tube so that i can see the level of the water in the container inside the stand, from the fill station so i can just add water when i see the level is low.