Problems with Coral Beauty

Coral Commander

Reefing newb
I have a 55 gallon tank with an adult Yellow Watchmen Goby, Peppermint Shrimp, Cleaner Shrimp and Pecula Clown. I am having problems with the Coral Beauty picking on the goby. Because of this, the goby hides all day and really only comes out when feeding. The Coral Beauty doesn't pick on anyone else in the tank. I have read other articles online that suggest that the Coral Beauty at times may have territorial issues. Does anyone know of anything that can be done to fix this problem or any other tank mates that could be introduced in the tank to balance the hostility?

How long has the coral beauty been in the tank? When I had one he was as peaceful as can be. As far as what you can do now. Well you could rearrange the rock some. That would make all the fish establish new territories. Usually by the time they have done that they forget about past aggressions.
Take it out and put it into a QT tank for a couple of weeks. Then rearrange the rocks as much as you can, the more the better. Then after 2-3 weeks place the Coral Beauty back into the tank and maybe it will be less dominate. The Watchman may develop more confidence and a sense of territory while the Coal Beauty is out of there.
Take it out and put it into a QT tank for a couple of weeks. Then rearrange the rocks as much as you can, the more the better. Then after 2-3 weeks place the Coral Beauty back into the tank and maybe it will be less dominate. The Watchman may develop more confidence and a sense of territory while the Coal Beauty is out of there.

Very good advice
Good advice above, I agree. Mine has never been aggressive, so putting it in QT and reintroducing it may confuse it enough to throw off its tough guy attitude. Worth a try, anyway.