

Phi Kappa Psi
I am attending the University of Tennessee right now and I have my 24 gallon nanotube.

The thing im worried about is how hard will it be to transport from my school to home. I live about 3 hours away and I am worried about getting my fish back home. Also I want to get corals but will they be difficult to transport home too.
If I were you I would get like 2 ten gallon coolers and put half the water in each cooler and put the fish in baggies a long with any corals. Leave just a little water in the bottom of the nano so anything live in the sand wont die out. You can keep fish in baggies for up to 24 hours, so a 3 hour drive shouldn't do them any harm.
You don't even need to use baggies. I would just use 5-gallon buckets from the hardware store (clean, of course) and put all the stuff in the buckets. The fish and corals will be fine in buckets for a few hours.
I would go to your LFS and ask for a styrofoam box that was used for shipping their livestock and buy a few bags for your livestock. I am sure they would be happy to give it to you for they only throw those away. Ask for the deepest they have if you don't want to use bags.