Problem with weir


Reefing newb
Hi guys, I bought 2 fire fish yesterday to complete my fish stock in my 250L tank, within half an hour 1 was missing, I found him in the weir, there's not a lot of room what with the durso and the water return pipe, the top of the weir is normal, gaps about 4mm and the water around 15mm from the top, yet the fire fish got in there, I finally got him out with a net, a hermit crab has also been in the weir section in the past, any suggestions on how to keep the fish out of the weir.

algy1943 :frustrat:
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You should get some mesh from the gardening section of your home improvement store. Plastic mesh -- make sure it is not made of metal. Then silicone it behind the teeth to keep the fish out. This is a common problem. I find my shrimp in the overflow all the time :(
You should get some mesh from the gardening section of your home improvement store. Plastic mesh -- make sure it is not made of metal. Then silicone it behind the teeth to keep the fish out. This is a common problem. I find my shrimp in the overflow all the time :(

Thanks Sarah, knew you would come up with the answer, weel pleased with the suggestion of the fire fish, they started to get bullied by the humbugs at first and the clowns went after them if they got too close to the heteractis crispa but I think it was only to show off, will try the mesh and let you know how it worked out, I also purchased a lovely pink Goniopora, and the water parameters levelled of once i'd done another water change, cant find anything that has died in the tank a Euphyllia green tipped (new) seemed to have passed away, so have taken it out.

You should get some mesh from the gardening section of your home improvement store. Plastic mesh -- make sure it is not made of metal. Then silicone it behind the teeth to keep the fish out. This is a common problem. I find my shrimp in the overflow all the time :(

Pulled one of the peppermints out of the first chamber of the skimmer the other day... Weird little things...
Another thing you can do to keep fish outta those overflows,is cut a plexi-glass cover that will set right on top of it.
I used to have to catch my mandrine outts mine pretty regular.
Another thing you can do to keep fish outta those overflows,is cut a plexi-glass cover that will set right on top of it.
I used to have to catch my mandrine outts mine pretty regularQUOTE=

Could'ent find any plastic with holes in it, so bought a food canister and cut 5cm strips the length and width of the weir (overflow) and drilled 4mm holes at 4mm centres 3 rows high and will now glue the strips to the face of the weir when I do a water change this weekend and the water level is below this height, youv'e just got to improvise, I think my fire fish may well have gone over the top being chased by those humbugs.

algy1943 :bounce:
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Allen,The only hole I drilled in top of my overflow covers,was for the airtube in the top of my dorso's.But I only did that because they stick up about 1/4 inch or so above the top of the overflow.
lol, reef, not mispelling, its spelt differently in Australia and the UK

so 2-1, technically you guys are mispelling it ;)
I was just messing around Josh.It has always baffled my mine why Americans took the ''u'' out of those words.

Make that 3 to 1,I think Canadians have the ''u'' in it.
Its alright Reef.It just took em longer to figure out that they had been spellin em wrong. :mrgreen:
Ballpark-Stadium, Daiper-Nappy,Drugstore-Pharmacy,Elevator-Lift,Eraser-Rubber,Expressway-Dual Carriage

another few, Since I found one of my new fire fish in the overflow, got it out and they were alright until yesterday, fed them am, and have not seen them since, have checked the weir, the filter at the bottom of the weir, no sign of them, didn't come out for the 6 o'clock Mysis shrimp with added garlic, where are they???

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Ballpark-Stadium, Daiper-Nappy,Drugstore-Pharmacy,Elevator-Lift,Eraser-Rubber,Expressway-Dual Carriage

another few, Since I found one of my new fire fish in the overflow, got it out and they were alright until yesterday, fed them am, and have not seen them since, have checked the weir, the filter at the bottom of the weir, no sign of them, didn't come out for the 6 o'clock Mysis shrimp with added garlic, where are they???


If ya come over here, don't be throwing that "eraser" word around much, and especially don't ask someone to borrow theirs! :mrgreen: