Problem with RO unit from purewaterclub

Thanks Rcpilot. That is the unit I received. Apparently it's a newly designed unit and the original instructions on the website were incorrect. According to the link you posted, they have straightened this out. Two things are different. 1. The connector to the faucet that is pictured is different from the one I received. 2. The line that should be waste water is going to the brown colored DI filter. It was sent this way so I assumed it was correct. I'll switch that one tonight.
Not working correctly yet. There are three lines. One is waste water and this is now working correctly. The unit came to me fully assembled and the waste water line was inserted in the DI filter. I changed this according to the instructions you posted. The second line is filtered water coming from the final stage and it is working correctly but the third filtered (dual output) line does nothing. Still waiting for an answer from purewaterclub. I did notice a small blue spacer in the box. Is this supposed to be attached somewhere? The instructions don't show this piece. I can get filtered water from the unit but no matter how long I let it run, it still measures between 023 and 036 on my TDS meter. Is this okay to use?
My unit has measured that high before and I have used the water without a problem. It could be that you water is so bad from the tap that a reading of 20-50 may be the best you can get.
on a duel output you will need a pressure tank the other side will not work of one side is open or vise versa. are you going to hook the aquarim side to the tank? if not than you will need a valve so that you can close that tube than the water would go to a pressure tank then to the drinking facuet.
Dcan: Did you see my post replying to Biff? I didn't think the tap water was excessively high. I have a whole house sediment filter on the water coming in already. What is your tap water at?

Daugherty: I didn't realize I needed a pressure tank. I don't intend to hook it to the tank. When I ordered, the dual unit was on sale so I purchased it instead of the same unit with single output. Just trying to save a buck and didn't realize I would have so many problems! Any idea why the unit indicates "For Reef" after the DI filter and then there is another filter after this? See RCpilot's picture.
Dcan: Did you see my post replying to Biff? I didn't think the tap water was excessively high. I have a whole house sediment filter on the water coming in already. What is your tap water at?

Your tap water is really high. Here in Tucson ours is around 400+, and I'm lucky if I can get my RO unit to bring it down to 10. Usually, if it comes out less than 50, I consider that fine for me.
i have a duel output also. the di goes to the tank and when you have a pressure tank the water does not go through the di yet it goes through most all the filter and into the pressure tank then you have the one line that goes to the sink and the other from the di goes to your water holding tank or fish tank. then when you need water depending on were it dumps the water from the pressuretank throudh the di to the tank or skips the di at runs it to the last carbon filter to the facuet on the sink.
Well, I never had any luck with purewaterclub's customer service so I sent the unit back. Not sure if they will refund my money or not but at this point, I don't care. I purchased a different unit from and LOVE it! Zero TDS and no problems setting it up or using it.
Well that's good you got a unit that finally works! That's +1 for thefilterguys and -1 for purewaterclub. I hope you get a refund.
I'm surprise at the problems people are having with these guys filters.I'm been using those filters for about two years now with absolutely no problems.About six months ago I switch from a 100gpd(near zero TDS) to a 150gpd(0 TDS).Both has worked flawlessly,there were some design changes like the waste water being non adjustable- versus the old units that had a valve.The filters even last much longer than what that said-then again our tapwater is a pretty low 190ppm.