Reefing newb
Welcome to the Picture of the Month section! We've got a schedule for themes for each month, which may be updated occasionally.
Please stick to the theme. If your picture doesn't fit (i.e. you post a pic of your mushrooms during full tank shot month), your photo will be eliminated from the competition. For the color themes, anything from your tank that meets the color requirement can be entered, fish, invert, coral, algae or anything else.
Please stick to the theme. If your picture doesn't fit (i.e. you post a pic of your mushrooms during full tank shot month), your photo will be eliminated from the competition. For the color themes, anything from your tank that meets the color requirement can be entered, fish, invert, coral, algae or anything else.
- January - Anything Goes
- February - Corals
- March - Pinks, Reds or Purples
- April - Feeding
- May - Full tank shots
- June - Anything goes (camera phone only!)
- July - Oranges or Yellows
- August - Fish
- September - Predators
- October - Greens, Whites or Blues
- November - Non-Coral Inverts
- December - Extreme Close-Ups
- No more than one submission per member.
- The photo must be of your own tank.
- You photo must be yours!
- No nature photos, i.e. from a scuba trip.
- If you would like to make a submission, please reply to the POTM topic and attach your photo (with a description if you want).
- The deadline for submissions is the 20th of each month (approx).
- Once all submissions have been made, there will be a poll in the forum to select the winner, which runs until the end of the month.
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