Porcelain Crab


Reef pro
Scientific name - Petrolisthes sp.

Family – Porcellanidae

Common name – Pom Pom, Boxing Crab

Max Size – 1 in (2.5 cm)

Range: Caribbean

Care Level – Easy

Temperament – Peaceful

Foods and feeding – This crab will filter feed from the water column and will also scavenge the aquarium for debris.

Supplements: Calcium, Magnesium, Iodine, Trace Elements

Aquarium suitability -

Reef compatibility – Yes

Captive care – This crab has “feathers” coming off its claws that it uses to filter feed with. The Porcelain crab usually lives in pairs, and comes in a variety of colors. It will usually hide in the rockwork so this crab can be best seen in nano tanks after the lights are out. This crab can be easily harmed by fish, so it should be kept with appropriate tank mates and should be introduced after lights are out, near the rocks. Crabs are extremely sensitive to nitrates and copper and small amounts will kill them


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