poor leather


Well? .. I AM trying
I have/had a large toadstool leather coral that was not doing so well. I took a clean paint brush and gently brushed off the slime... it clouded my tank... oops... anyway I think that is what did it... am I right and how big of a mistake was that???

since then, I removed the leather because it had turned loose of the rock and I got scared that it was poluting my tank... help me here..

I've got sooo much to learn!
It's normal for leathers to slime up like that periodically. They shed their "skin". But if it detached, that's bad news. If it doesn't look like it's rotting, you can put it back and wedge it in between some rocks, or use a needle and thread to re-attach it.
I'm afraid it is gone.. and now in the trash.

Thank you for the info. I may of been to hasty in my removal.... I dauh know .. but am trying to be a fast learner. If so, that is sad... I care about most all things living.

I've begun reading Borneman's "Aquarium Corals" so maybe I'll have an inkling in a bit of time, and more of my corals now and in the future will hopefully have a better life.

So.. did that cloud my water? Something did.
If it was dead/dying and actually rotting (and not just shedding), that would have clouded the water. In that case, taking it out was a good move.
Yeah, looking back I tend to doubt myself.. but now that it has gone my water has cleared. .. and my other corals are responding to the absence.. I have never seen such extensions... so whatever was happening, it needed to go.... big smile here