Poop petco

Yea see that is exactly what I am talking about. The problem is that there are more of those people than there are people like yourself who know what they are talking about. Since its probably 4 to 1, we have to assume that you DON'T know what you are talking about until you prove us wrong. This is sad because there are plenty of knowledgeable employees who know their stuff at lots of chain pet stores. I have always felt that it is our responsibility as pet owners to know what we are getting before we go in and get it but unfortunately, there are people out there (especially newbies) who don't do their research and end up killing fish. I feel the worst for the fish!
I just think it's ridiculous (and a little irritating) that I have to prove that I know my crap just because someone else doesn't. That is all.
I just think it's ridiculous (and a little irritating) that I have to prove that I know my crap just because someone else doesn't. That is all.

You wouldn't have to if chain stores put only expirienced fish employees in the fish department and not just anyone. Of course that's not your fault but its just the sad reality. I don't think you should be able to sell fish unless you've successfully kept a tank before. Even some people at my store don't know that much. I was telling the guy about minimalist aquascaping and using negative space and he looked at me like an alien. He also told me that he had like 5 or 6 fish in his ten gallon...yea okay..its possible but cruel.
I'm with you Erin, 2 of the guys at my Petco are amazing and lots of chain store employees know their stuff. Quit beating up on the chains and put some blame on the buyer, people. It's sad b/c it's living creatures BUT 50% of the blame needs to go on the purchaser here too, they are the ones stepping up to the plate and accepting responsibility for the living creatures. Come on guys, in every consumer situation it's buyer beware and the consumer does a ton of research on an item before they buy it. No one would go to a used car dealership without obsessively researching what they want and what a fair price is for it. For days, weeks, months before a purchase people google and research computers, mp3 players, blenders, houses, what brand of siding or toothpaste to buy. BUT, heaven forbid they google what size tank an tang needs or what the heck an LTA is. And so some guy buys a white nem from the LFS and sticks in his new tiny tank and the tank crashes, who is he going to blame?
It's our whole society really, it's McDonald's fault for not warning me that the coffee was hot and that a whopper a day would make me fat.
And Brittany, I love you girl, but, you're talking to a MAN about design nuances like negative space? Of course he's going to look at you like you're an alien. :) 99% of men would.
you're talking to a MAN about design nuances like negative space? Of course he's going to look at you like you're an alien. :) 99% of men would.

I am positive that I don't know anything about negative space... heck.. I am still trying to figure out how they get the filling in a twinkie :Cheers:
I know a few people that work at a local Petsmart and they are told to do the best to make a sell. So if some one wants 4 gold fish and a 10 Gallon tank sell it to them. Good change the fish will out live the 14 day return and they will be back to buy more.

It bad enough when they sell someone an over price filter for the 10 gallon, but I've seen and heard some many stories. I agree the buyer needs to do there research, but I think the sale people needs to help guild the buyer and help them from making a mistake.
I know a few people that work at a local Petsmart and they are told to do the best to make a sell. So if some one wants 4 gold fish and a 10 Gallon tank sell it to them. Good change the fish will out live the 14 day return and they will be back to buy more.

That is against company policy. The animals should always come first.

And it's highly unlikely all four of those fish make it past the 14 days.

Same rant: You should have a BASIC knowledge of whatever you're going to be getting into. I have to explain the nitrogen cycle at least ten times a day, and people look at me like I'm crazy when I tell them they can't bring home the tank and the fish in the same day. I am sick and tired of the "it's just a fish" attitude. Yes, asshat. It's a fish. With a brain. Who can feel pain. Maybe I'm a bleeding heart, but that's the truth.
Just for the record, the Petco or PetSmart in Dunwoody (near me) is the only "Pet Store" that sells Marine fish in this area and the guy who mans the area, is one of the BEST aquariests around. (Is that a word?) He is retired from the Atlanta Aquarium and people flock to him for advice.

I have three dedicate LFSs here. One I buy equipment from, one I buy Corals and inverts from, the other I buy fish from. Each, well the last two anyway, each have folks who know their stuff. My equipment store is full of stoners who don't really want to work and love looking at the pretty fishes! The managers/owners/people in charge are pretty good though. I did buy my Snowflake Clown from them. He;s a great fish!

Neadless to say, buyer beware. You better know your stuff BEFORE you buy. Never buy first and ask questions later.
I do agree about buyer beware. You should deff do your research before buying. Or in my case if I see something I like but don't know much about it I just pull out my phone and look it up rather than ask the employee. I try to do it discreetly bc I think they get a little ticked that I don't just ask them but I'm not gonna ask someone for info when I know half their info is wrong. So the conclusion is buyer beware.

And to what biff said about the 12 clowns, that's just downright wrong. People should have enough common sense not to sell clownfish that are going into goldfish bowls and going home with kids who have no idea how to care for them. If I saw that I would have flipped on that employee who sold it to them. And the lady for buying them like that.
I just want to throw out there that non-chain LFS's aren't always great either! The LFS closest to me reminds me of a puppy mill, tons of fish in 55-120g tanks bullying each other, filled with detrius, dying fish, browning frags, and employees selling people 4-5 SW fish at a time to start their tank. And because the store has been around forever it gets high ratings and ranks high on the list when you google LFS's. Such a shame. I live in a big city, but still haven't found a decent LFS yet. Going to check out one that's a few hours away in another state in a few weeks and hope that one is decent. The employees at the Petco near this horrific non-chain LFS are far more knowledgable and good in terms of giving appropriate advice. I think it really depends on each store, their policy, and how much they care about making money versus caring for animals and helping their customers do the same. And yes, a large responsibility should also fall on the buyer to do their research, but when you are a novice, you look to someone with experience to guide you and (often falsely) believe the LFS will point you in the right direction. I'm just glad I can come here for advice where you guys don't have a financial stake in what you are telling me I should do!