

I'm that guy
How long after I set my fuge will it take to have a good population of pods? Also, will i need to seed it with the ones you buy at the LFS?
If you seed it with tigger pods, for example, they will reproduce much faster than if you don't seed at all. For $20 for a little bottle, it's up to you to decide if it's worth it. I just bought a bottle of live rotifers from ebay for $10 shipped, I hope those will work out well in my fuge. I don't know how different those are from tigger pods, I just know they're really tiny, not like copepods, which get fairly large.
Depends on what pods you buy. The ones from the LFS that are stored in the fridge are cold water pods (sometimes called Arcti-Pods) and won't live longer than a couple days in a reef tank. Certainly not long enough to reproduce, and even if they did reproduce, they are not adapted to live in such warm waters.
Depends on what pods you buy. The ones from the LFS that are stored in the fridge are cold water pods (sometimes called Arcti-Pods) and won't live longer than a couple days in a reef tank. Certainly not long enough to reproduce, and even if they did reproduce, they are not adapted to live in such warm waters.

Reef Nutrition sells "tigger pods" that look like little red fleas. I put one bottle in, then in a couple months had CLOUDS of them in the fuge. Those reproduce like mad. I have no experience with Arcti-pods, though.