

Reefing newb
Can anyone tell me how well these work? My 75 gallon tank just broke and I was thinking about switching to a plenum when I put in my new tank. Any information would be greatly apreciated.
I went to the LFS and asked about this today. They told me they've been using this system for years and are really impressed with the results. From what I've read it really helps to keep your nitrates down. I and your tank clean. I went to G.A.R.F and printed off the directions to build one I figure I will cost me 15 dollars to build so I'll give it a try.
fill the aquarium with properly mixed and aerated saltwater to a height of about 3 inches. then put the plenum support structure down, making sure to shake out any trapped air bubbles. if this support structure is an undergravel filter plate, put the plate directly on the bottom. the space underneath it is sufficient as a plenum.
I set up my new tank and everything seems to be great. The plenum was realy easy to set up and I should see results in a couple of months.:mrgreen:
I've used plenums on several tanks and they have worked great! We had one at the store I worked at installed in a 40 gal and we had no filtration other than a power head. The tank ran fine for almost a year.