Please Help! :(


Reefing newb
I got some new stock 2 days ago, 3 new fish and a new coral.

I noticed that day my leather coral was looking down, and so was my button coral, but the lights just turned on, so i thought it was normal.
I got home and put the new coral in, it was good for about an hour, and then it flopped over.
I was thinking it may just be shock as it's a new tank.
I then noticed an hour later my anemone hid and looks like a big pink bubble.
I thought what could be wrong? I got the water tested, and everything was fine, and i did a water change.

Then it hit me i forgot to check the salinity, it was over 1.030!
I can't believe i forgot to check it. :frustrat:
The levels are now fine.
Should my corals and anemone get better? :shock:

Also the fish are fine.. :^:
Hard to say. There are a lot of factors in play right there.The biggest is how fast did you bring the salinity back down?
The coral is more likely to pull through if the water conditions are stable for a while. I haven't had good luck with anemones after they start a decline from water conditions.
How are you measuring your salinity (refractometer or hydrometer)? You really shouldn't drop your salinity more than .001 per day.

Also, if you purchased soft corals (like the leather) then it is pretty normal for them to deflate and flop over periodically.
I'm using a hydrometer.
I was in panic to save everything, so over a few hours. But i didn't know that i should have dropped it .001 per day.
But i'll know in the future.

The new coral did pass away, it smelt really yuck! :(
The other corals are saying OK.
My anemone is slowly growing, and my clown actually noticed it :) and loves it!
Fish are doing good, so far, fingers crossed.
My dart fish hid for a while, i'm starting to see him more often.
I'd strongly recommend getting yourself a refractometer - hydrometers can be incredibly inaccurate and you need to keep your parameters pretty stable with a nem in your tank.