please help me id this


Reefing newb
I bought this live rock at the lfs and it has stuff growing on it. It also had the serpent stars and one baby what looked like a blue star but i need to know if it has zoas and if they look dead or alive. I also didn't notice this till i got home. SANY0528.webp




I have no idea what it is. It was a shock to me to find that something was on my rock other than starfish and featherduster babies
They are zoas, but they are completely closed, so it's hard to say whether they are healthy or not. They may open up over time, or the mat may disappear and they'll melt away. I hope they open up for you!
i do to as well there are some on the other side of the rock as well that are just single heads that also are closed up but i just bought this rock yesterday. so this is how they looked yesterday as well. i never noticed them at the lfs either. also i have seen this saying if they start melting i havent a clue about that
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they are all still grey in color from what i can tell now one did break off at the back when i was moving the rock around so that was my fault. but there is also a bristle worm that keeps moving around them could that be bothering them and keeping them from opening
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Bristle worms are harmless. It looks like your Zoas melted away. I would advise doing a lot of research before bringing anything home to your system.
Amba i did not intend to buy a corols it just happend to be on the live rock that i bought didnt even klnow till i got home