Placemnet of Coral Plugs


Reef enthusiast
I still find myself moving the rocks to change the aquascape every few weeks to try to get it "better". Once I glue the plug to the rocks, most likely I won't be able to move the rocks again. How do you guys/gals manage that?
I do like James.If the rocks not just right,then its got to do.
I aint moving me frags around cause its to aggervatin to find places the plugs will stay in.
I got a 30" long 3/4 masonary bit.But figured it would cloud my water,or I'd drill to deep and into the glass:mrgreen:
can you imagine the stress a hammer drill would cause to everything in that tank,

water transfers pressure waves far more efficently than air, and if you think thoes are loud just think about how loud that would be under water..

thats one of thoes, you feel in in your bowls more than you hear it with your ears kinda things...
Not to mention, continuously moving your rocks can be dangerous to the tank. Every time you move them, you are suspending all the dirt, crap and detritus that was beneath or inside them, and releasing that to the water column, which can spike your parameters and kill your animals. It's best to set it up, and leave it be.
Not to mention you might touch something living in your rocks that you really didn't want to touch. Like bristleworms, or piss off something that bites or pinches.