Pieces of coral


Reefing newb
My wife and I were in Jamaica a few months ago and she found some coral on the beach that she thought would look good in the tank. Do we need to wash them in any way? What is the best way to wash them off?
Well most would prob recommend to not put coral you caught in the wild in your tank but I'm pretty adventorous so I'm not one of them. :p You could do a Lugol's Solution dip if you want to kill of pest before putting them in your tank.
Did y'all pick up the rock before or after the big spill? If before,I'd just give it an over night soak in some saltwater and go high pressure rinse from the water hose.
If after the spill,I wouldn't risk it.Just use em as decorations on the outside of the tank.
Here they are. Nothing fancy. Just wanted to add to the sand bed to make it a little more natural looking.

stuff 016.webp
Well, they are from a beach in Jamaica. It was after the spill, but only a couple of weeks after. The spill hadn't even reached our coast yet.