Picture of the Month - May

Hmmmm. Maybe I should have submitted my picture with a different screenname. Since I seem to be racking up enemies on the forum, I wonder if it will turn more into a popularity contest over a photo contest. .
are you kidding! your picture kicks ass. its awesome. i dont care who submits it. if its worthy its gettingmy vote. If hibye gets better at his photo skills and submits an awesome pic. he gets my vote. hands down (not that i have bad feelings on him) but he was a lil runt for a while. werent you bud? :mrgreen:
what mission are you on in GTA 4, im working with packie right now

I'm on the mission to take out Playboy X for Dewayne.I swear I did the Elizabeth mission to get her ''you know what'' from the old hospital a million times....never could get away from the police.This game is too cool,there are so may LOL moments....Brucie makes my stomach hurt!!
Thanks I've gotten through all her missions now.

Which version do you have?Xbox 360 or PS3?
I may need to pm you from time to time on achievements if you have the 360 version.BTW,if you do have the 360,you have a gamertag,are you online?
I was gonna say the same thing as biff. It gets a little annoying to have to read thru nonsense just to see the pics. :mrgreen:

Lets see more pics folks!
I am confused, who is enemies with kmckienz? Maybe I haven't been reading threads closely enough. I like the picture a lot, it has tons of different color variety.
So I will give it another shot. I have to keep trying until I at least get one vote!! LOL! Here is my gold stripe maroon clown hiding in her anemone.

I See You!!!
