

Seahorse Whisperer
So, I tried to buy my DT's and my LFS was out. I got this Kent stuff that's like on steroids where you only put one little drop in your tank.

I'm sitting on my couch reading the back of the bottle and I decide to give it a try. I open the bottle and notice it doesn't stink so much. So I put a tiny drop in my water container for my plant just for giggles. I don't know what kind of plant it is but it used to have a beta fish in the clear water vase and the roots of the plant hung down into the container. They sell them at our PetCo. There's no beta in there now and the water has gotten kind of greenish. Here's the question. The water went from greenish to clear and my plant is so happy! He's standing up super straight. This happened literally overnight. Should I spike all my water with drop of phytoplankton? It's a heck of a lot cheaper than the Miracle Grow I've been using.

Sounds to me like the phyto ate all the algae in the water. That could explain why the water went from green to clear.
Sounds to me like the phyto ate all the algae in the water. That could explain why the water went from green to clear.

Agreed! Which might give you an idea on the concentration you are getting there. Perhaps you could use 2 pots in similiar condition to compare.