

Reef enthusiast
I tested everything today and everything was ok. But my PH dropped to 8.0. How do you raise it? I did my water change and retested and it didn't change.
Piggy,is this test with or without the lights on.Its not uncommon for the Ph to drop a bit when the lights are out and then go back up when the lights are on.8.0 not terribly bad.They make a product sold at the LFS/Petsmart called ''Proper PH 8.2''.You can't overdose and it doesn't effect akalinity no matter how much you use but I recommend you read the directions and raise the PH slowly.Still like I said earlier 8.0 is pretty good.
allways check ph shortly before lights go out. this will be when it's the highest. i use baking soda to buffer. this also raises alkalinity with the ph. to raise alk only just mix 2 1/2 cups baking soda to 1 gallon of water. to raise ph and alk bake the soda at 400 degrees for one hour, then mix with one gallon of water.
8.0 is okay for night time. And I would not recommend adding a new fish as a way to raise the pH!!!!!!!!!!!! If there is something wrong with your water (like pH is off), the last thing you need is to waste the money and possibly life of another animal!
I tested during the day like I always do. When I started I was at 8.2 and I noticed that since I went to RO water it's been dropping gradually. Could this be why it dropped? All my livestock are still looking good.
do you have a fuge? if so if you run your lights on the fuge opposite your display lights and with macro algae? it will help with constant co2/o2 exchange that will keep your ph consistant. If you dont have one, it may be something to think about among other benifits with it of course.
The PH will generally drop a little as your system grows and matures.You just have to keep an close watch on it.
I like the baking soda idea. How much do you add once you make a gallon? I just don't like the idea of adding chemicals to my main tank.
Any specific brand of baking soda you use Fish?

yote, i use the arm and hammer brand.

piggy, it will vary on how much to add. i add a small amount daily so nothing swings too much. i put three teaspoons=5ml. of the mix to a gallon of fresh rodi water for topoffs. i usually add 1/2 to 1 gallon of topoff water daily. my alkalinity stays at 12 degrees, and my ph drops to 8.2 at night, and climbs to 8.4 before the lights go out.
If you use the baking soda WITHOUT baking it,it only raises your PH.But if you bake it,it causes it to add alkalinity too.I think.