PH Question...


No clue about reefs
how important is it to have my PH at 8.3 all the time?

my leather coral is showing signs of like slumpin over and my ph has been low lately at 7.8 can this affect my corals alot?

but my ammo. nitri. nitra. have all been 0.... good n other words. except my ph which is at 7.8
i also have the lights that came with the tank..

10,000k 36watt white light.
with a 36watt blue fluorescent one. do i need stronger lighting?

like double the power?? 29gallon nano. help!
A pH of 7.8 is a little low, but shouldn't be too much of a problem. pH will stabilize itself as long as you are not doing any calcium dosing or anything like that.
The safest way to adjust your pH is usually to do water changes. You fail to mention your alkalinity or calcium levels or if you have been adding any supplements. Also realize that your pH will be lower in the morning right after the lights come on then in the evening after the lights have been on all day if you have any photo synthesis going on in your tank. Your pH reading will be at its lowest right before the lights come on. A reading of 7.8 is definately something that needs to be changed though. regardless of when it was obtained it is to low.
You have a little over 2 watts per gallon, which is not enough light for really any corals. That's definitely not reef lighting.

There are additives that will raise your pH, but like Fatman said, water changes are your safest bet. Salt mixes usually automatically correct your pH when you make up new water.