percula clow not eating

my clown fish hasn't been eating ..all he wants to do is be in his anenome..all day....what can I do to get him to eat...I have been putting garlic on his food ..and he still doesnt go for it...
I have a pajama...should I get him a partner...wend I started I had a small clow that wouldn't eat...and I got him a partner and he started to eat...but r.I.p...he got kill by a power head ...
So you have one PJ and one clown? I would get the clown a friend,preferably larger or smaller but,not the same size...and if you could,get him from the same tank(assuming you got it at your LFS,and they have more)....try some very small cut pieces of table shrimp or even mysis,i would discontinue the brine..IMO. good luck,but i think he'll do just fine
It will be fine. Its adjusting to a new tank and loving the nem. Getting it another clown couldn't hurt, but like nemo said, make sure its not the same size or they'll fight it out pretty bad.
they do have more at the store but there all the same sizes and there were all fighting ...I'm go look a nother store today...I'm try different food...thanks to all
I got a new clown fish and some mushrooms....and both fish are eating...but the anemone has shrunk ...but I think anemone do weird things