Penquin bio wheel 350


Reefing newb
I am using my old freshwater 55 tank and i have 2 of the Penquin bio wheel 350 HOB filters. Are these suitable for saltwater tanks?
Nah. You don't need them, as your live rock ends up being your biofilter. I do suggest you invest in a good protein skimmer, but the biowheel filters end up being nitrate factories in a saltwater tank. Ditch 'em!
The bio-wheels are not for saltwater from what I have read.

You really need a sump/refugium/protein skimmer combo for starters.

I learned that lesson the hard way.

I'm diy building my Overflow and Sump/Refugium this week.
+1 everyone....ditch the biowheel. They're just nitrate factories and useless in saltwater tanks. The live rock and live sand is all the biological filtration you'll need.

Protein skimmers do help getting muck out before they turn into nitrates, but not necessary. Some people run a successful system without it. I prefer to have one, though :)
So I could potentially not run any kind of filtration system and be ok? I jsut got a HOB mech filter and figured its not bad to have?
ReefNOOB21: As other's have said, your live rock acts as your primary filtration system. A protein skimmer is also a good addition because it will pull undissolved solid matter out of the water column, helping to keeping your water clean. You do not need a biowheel or canister filter - they are really made for freshwater. Some people with HOB filters such as the biowheel take the filter media out of them and use them strictly for flow, or to convert into a mini refugium with live rock rubble, chaeto, and a light bulb to help grow the chaeto. If you are going to use the biowheel, I would recommend going the refugium route. And with a tank your size (25g), you can probably get away without having a protein skimmer, as long as you are doing regular water changes.
Not quite the same way. HOB filters use a material submerged in the water, and the water flows through that material, leaving detritus trapped. But the detritus still stays in contact with the water, releasing nitrates that pollute the tank until you pull it out and rinse or discard it. A protein skimmer makes bubbles to trap that same detritus, plus pieces that are even smaller than the filter media can catch. The bubbles rise into a collection cup that isolates the detritus away from the water in the system until you can empty the cup. That's why skimmers are so much more effective than HOB filters for saltwater!
i left the little plastic parts but replaced the sponges and filter media with live rock rubble. I figure it might help a little, and if i need to put carbon in i still have the little compartment for it.
i run one on my 30gal hex tank, had it set up for about 6 months. no complaints, i change the filter every month and ive never had a nitrate problem.