Ooooops, need advice....


Seahorse Whisperer
Ok, we've had a horrible past two weeks involving family illnesses, lost (and found) dogs, illnesses from said dogs being lost, trying to catch up with work/school, concerts to play..... nothing we can't get through but we've been busy!

Here's my question. Last week I decided to set up a refugium/mysis shrimp breeding facility. I ordered a bunch of stuff from IPSF (LOVE HIM) and it is going to be here today. I was going to set up a little 10 gallon from walmart over the weekend but didn't have the time. The stuff will be here today. I'm making some salt water in a 5 gallon bucket and I've got a bag of dry marine sand. I've never used the dry stuff before and I know it's not like the "live sand" I usually use, do I need to season this stuff? I've got various snails, algae, pods, and mud coming with absolutely no place to put it all. GRRRRRR. What would you do? I'm thinking that now is not the time to use the dry white sand, I should go get some live stuff. Do you think everything will survive in a 5 gallon bucket of salt water until I can get a little tank set up? I can't leave the house because I've got to be home to sign for the package. Should I just leave everything packed up and go get the aquarium then set it up and add my stuff? I can't believe I let this happen darn it.

i would leave it once you get it, and go get the aquarium, the live sand stuff in the bag isnt actually all that live anyways, just you the dry stuff with a cup or two of sand from one of your established tanks and you should be fine
The dry sand could cause a ammonia spike and kill everything even though its supposed to be 'pure'. Do you really need sand?
I think I'll get the LS and use water from my seahorse tank. I've never put algae and janitors into a brand new tank, hope they make it!!!!!

thanks guys,

I'd use tank water, not pure freshly mixed water. I don't know how well snails and shrimps will handle a cycle, big or small.
I second the opinion to use water from one of your other tanks, and to add a cupful of sand from your other tanks too.

But the big question is: why the heck don't you just call your husband or child/ren and tell them to get their butts over to Walmart and bring you home a tank?!?!

That's what I'd do.
Thanks, I used 5 gallons from my seahorse tank and 5 new gallons. I picked up a small bag of LS to mix with the dry sand I had. The order from IPSF included microalgae and phytoplankton. I'm going to try and breed my own pods for one of my seahorses that won't eat anything but live pods. My tank looks pretty cool right now with big wads of green cellophane looking stuff, red spikey seaweed, yellow feathery things... I put only a few snails and hermits in there and put the rest in my other tanks. The breeder pods and worms were the main animals being added today. I wish I had gotten the tank set up last week. Thanks a bunch for the advice. I never would have thought to use my own tank water but that makes a lot of sense.
