old tank/new setup


Reefing newb
Hi, I am new here to the forum. I have a 125g + 55g refugium. The tank went belly up about 4 years ago due to i had to move due to job. It was an established tank but now nothing much but lr and sand. The tank is a disaster! I want to start over but not sure where to start? I have upkept the water level and lighting and that is about it. Do i need to start completely over? Starting from a new cycle or what? I know this is hard to answer. I just need opinions. thanks
Welcome in...I had two tanks the I did the same with for a little over a year. I started a new tank and used the water and rock from those. I never even had a cycle. It all depends on the condition of the tank to be honest. If it is all over grown with hair Algae...Might be best to scrub it all down and start over..If not the get the parameters right, do some basic clean up...Probably get new light bulbs and start up again...Your bacteria should still be there just not in huge numbers so go slow but you shouldnt cycle..
Thanks for the replys. Yes it has alot of green algae and very little purple on rocks. It needs alot of cleaning i know.
I want to do this right the first time so be patient with me.
I am going to take pics soon and post them. I need help as you can see. I am tight on money right now but will start this tank back up soon with everyones help. thanks