ok am i pushing the limits?


No clue about reefs
i have a 29 gallon oceanic biocube.
20 pounds of livesand, 35 pounds of live rock.
29gallon oceanic biocube protein skimmer.
25% water change every week.

1 green carpet anemone
1 randalls goby
1 red fire goby
2 percula clowns
1 rusty angel fish
1 mandarin dragonet spotted goby
some mushrooms
How much do your nitrate readings climb between water changes? That is about the best indicator of whether or not you are pushing the limits.
as a rule of thumb, you want to keep your stocking to about 5 gallons per 1 inch of fish. that would give you right about 6 inches of fish...total. the more you push your bioload, the lower water quality you have. that can affect coral growth and fish health, they will be prone to sickness and possibly death. judging from your parameters will allow you to know where you are at. It is a good idea to wait about 2 weeks between adding fish in your tank to give you time to check parameters and see if things are OK. Good luck

I hope your mandarin eats frozen food.

And I hope you know that carpet anemones eat fish. They are notorious for catching and eating anything that swims by. I've seen them eat their own clown hosts. Be careful with carpet anemones, in general they are not good additions to reef tanks, especially small tanks like yours.

But as for your bioload, I agree with what others have said -- it depends on what your parameters are. If your nitrates stay low, then you are in the clear (as long as fish aren't fighting over territory).