Now what....

Ok so I am overwhelmed... at the coral swap a few weeks ago I wound up with a mix of corals. I think I am doing ok I finally got everything in a secure spot in the tank and is doing good, I have already had 4 new heads of this acan if anyone knows the 'real' name it would be helpful.



I think that I have almsot killed one coral again don't know the name I came home with 15 differnt frags and was told a hundred different names they are all jumbled in my head...:shock: But it had a lot of blue tips and now its bleaching its to the left of the candy cane but hey I figure if this is the only one out of the bunch that is not doing well and the others are I am doing something ok?

OK so I have a few mushrooms, zoos, leather now I have LPS and SPS. I know that really done but what are the problems are there ways around it? I was told that more water changes but what else?? also what should all of these different ones be eating I have been feeding I have been doing a mix of KENT Zoo Plex, Micro-Vert & PhytoPlex is that enough or should I be doing something else? OK so I know I did all the reading of stuff I thought I was going to get but I wound up with a lot of SPS I was not expecting, I have been trying to read as much as I can but I don't want to kill anything in the mean time?

I Never really thought I would have so many SPS but that is what the majority of what I wound up with. But help me with ID's or tell me to move it whatever or tell me I should sell it before I kill it...


Ok Seattle,calm down and take a deep breath:D
You've got Montipora.Not to sure which one,but its eaither a plating or encrusting.You'll probably have to move it closer to the bottom because they tend to not like that much light.
Matter of fact,if I'm not mistaken,your running MH right? So you'll need to acclimate them to the light,depending on what they were under before.
Other than that.Keep your calcim,alkalinity,and magnesium levels right,stable water temps,and you should be good.
Its not that SPS are all that hard to keep,it just their touchy to parameter swings.
You scored BIGTIME and they all look great.
Hmmm ... I think I need a much closer look to tell what type of Acans you have ... I'll send you my shipping address :mrgreen:

It looks great! Very nice addition. And yes, I'm very partial to Acans. :Cheers:
Very true ship me the SPS and Ill check them out for you. Just to make sure they are ok for your tank. Ill PM you my details.
hahaha I will be sure to sent them off to you guys for a closer look :)

So I never was going to up grade to a calcium reactor but my buddy down the road keeps telling me that I will need one now??? is that the case?? I use Kent Reactor for my calcium now? this would be a upgrade down the road.

That one acan is really going nuts!! I saw new growth on the back now :)
I dont think so. Unless you have colonies of acros and montis Ii dont think you'll need one for a while. Just test your water and get a feel for how much calcium is used up in a day so you know what to dose.
Make sure you are checking your ALk and Magnesium also. The Tri balance of these things is crutial for good growth.
One more thing, and this is just my opinion. It looks like you have a pretty yellow bulb in the tank (10K?) if you changed it to a 14K, it would bring out so great colors on your tank. Again I am very partial to bluer bulbs and its just my opinion.
Big H has it pretty well covered.
If you start having a hard time keeping the calcium and alk up,then you can drip kalk.Its a lot cheaper than a reactor and has some side benefits too.
Just get in the habit of testing every day or so and dosing as needed.And remember the key is "STABILITY"
OK so an update I some of the zoo's are not doing well? These were like the fist things I put in my 35g tank! they have been doing fine but now its like they are wilting? I don't get it. I am getting pics when the battery is done charging for my camera. Anyways the zoo's are the kind that have really big stock? or stems?

As for the lights yes, I want to get that changed out ASAP but its not on the top of my list since I have one that is working.

as for Magnesium what should it be at?
1300-1500 on the magnesium. As for the zoos, check the flow in the area. Also, I know when my water quality was too good, they never did that great.
Those are some nice additions. Just remember for your SPS, they need clean water with good levels of alk, calc, and mag like the above posts said. IMO, I'd run carbon since you have some leathers in there with your other stuff. Also, that Kent phytoplex (to me, from my experience) is useless, pretty much pollution in a bottle. I'm not really sure if you should dose any phyto-in-a-bottle unless you are raising fry. Even for clams, from what I've been told by many people, they can't eat the large size particles that are in the bottles.
I also had some problems with zoos opening up. I was told they were super easy, but they all died under PC lights (right under them). That was over 2 years ago, but anyway that's the extent of my zoo input :)
Yotes right about acclimating the SPS to light, montis are ok mid to lower levels in your tank under MH. That was a lot of additions all at once, but just take it easy and leave them be for a while and see how they do. From what I've figured, the more you move corals around, the worse off they fare. Hey I came home from a frag show with 15 or 20 new species...heck even from the LFS a couple times with that many, and they did very well all dropped in at once. I think mass coral additions aren't so stressful on a system as a big load of fish would be.
Also, I agree you should be fine without a calcium reactor for a long time. Read up on DIY 2-part for your alk/calc/mag on google, good info from Randy Holmes Farley on RC. HTH
Hummm maybe my zoo's don't like water changes that really is the only thing I am doing more of since the sps like better water I have been doing more changes? 5g per week, my system I would say is abut 57-60 total gallons,

Ok so I checked my levels again my PH was a little high witch is not normal for my tank its normally low if anything.

Calcium 420 - That has been rough to maintain I still have not figured out how much to dose since the new additions.

DKH 8 its a lil low but I dosed with SeaChem Reef Builder tonight rasie that and lower my ph right?

PH 8.4 its been 8.2/8.0

MG 1250 its a little low going to look into getting a doser / drip something, is epsom salt really?

Naitrate 0
Naitrite 0
Ammonia 0

Everyone says its so much chemestry hobby I have never really had big issues with it until now...makes me wish I took chemestry instead of physics lol

thanks for all of your help everyone :)
I'd say your PH is just about right for those SPS.
I've noticed that mine do better when I keep the PH from 8.4 to 8.5.Plus the higher PH helps keep algae at bay.
MG 1250 its a little low going to look into getting a doser / drip something, is epsom salt really?

Epsom salt is just magnesium sulfate... should work fine, in small doses. I could figure out dosing for ya if you tell me how much water you've got and what your target concentration of Mg is.
Just dont use Epsom salts for all your magnesium dosing.
You get a lot more sulfates than actual magnesium.
I personally use Brightwell Aquatics Magnesium.But I think Capts got a like to a DIY magnesium suppliment that you might check into also.