Now I have Ich :(

Sorry man,thats a bummer!Unfortunately this is how soooo many of us do learn,and it sucks!!If i could make a suggestion,i would get your 3 remaining fish!Leave inverts and stop using the solution.Let yout main tank go fallow and treat your 3 fish in a QT with hypo.Do you have a QT ??If not, get a large rubbermaid tub from wal-mart,they work great.Use your filter media from DT and get hypo going(assuming you have a refract)??
Good luck man..
+1 Nemo, I would also keep changing the water in the DT, Sorry that happened.
This is why I rather treat the inffected fish rather than teh entire tank. Read up on how to do Hypo and get a refractometer if you don't have one. good luck
Sorry about your loses. I tried that reef safe stuff once and the same thing happened. I think it really messed with the tanks water chemistry. I lost a lot of corals as a result. Good luck with everything.
I hate to hear it, I can't stand losing fish. I'd go with a freshwater dip for 4 minutes on each fish, and then straight to a hypo tank for 20 days or more. Do water changes daily in the QT, this should help cut back on the ich and provide well aerated water for your fish.
My zoo polyps actually look okay today. A few are still closed, but the majority of them have opened up and are looking okay. Hopefully, they've made it through the trauma.

I'm setting up a QT tonight and moving my damsel, clown and goby into it for 8 weeks while dosing with coppermine. I'll leave the crabs, snails and zoo's in the DT.

Lesson learned QT all the way for the minimal cost. I'll be sure to use the QT tank for all new comers in the future as well.

Thanks for the help and support everyone, and mostly for the GOOD advice that I should have taken from day 1!
I did it once and didn't have any luck. 3 days after ending the copper the ich came back. I am 100% success getting rid of Ich with hypo. .I found dosing is difficult to keep constant. With ato hypo is way less work. I don't think any of his fish are the type that shouldn't be in hypo.
If I'm not mistaken,all fish can handle hypo.But copper,on the other hand can cause kidney and liver problems in some fish.
I know this is going to sound crazy, but they're looking good and I haven't been able to remove them from the main tank yet, due to work conflicts. They're both eating normal acting normal and one or two spots on each, it's disappearing. Another LFS I visited today (while out of town for work) suggested I leave them if they're eating and acting normal.

I'm still concerned and think QT is a good idea, but I'm also leaving for a week (in a week) and want to make sure they get the attention they need.
Its all just part of the ich life cycle,ich doesn't just pack its bags and leave,you have to kick it out.........or it will always be there!If your leaving in a week i would not do hypo,but you may also come back to a full outbreak.This is a tough sitiuation your in,good luck
What you're seeing when you say it's "disappearing" is the parasite dropping off the fish to move to the substrate to encyst where it will divide into hundreds more parasites to re-infect your fish later.

I would monitor their condition until you leave, when you come back, treat ALL your fish in QT.
What you're seeing when you say it's "disappearing" is the parasite dropping off the fish to move to the substrate to encyst where it will divide into hundreds more parasites to re-infect your fish later.

I would monitor their condition until you leave, when you come back, treat ALL your fish in QT.

+1 Now would be a good time to remove all fish from the DT. When the spots appear again there will be many more. Don;t wait and see what happens, remove the fish