NOOB Algae Question

On the back of Chemipure,its says it last 4-6 months under normal conditions.(like whateverever that means).I use it 2 weeks on and two weeks off,replacing at 4 months.

For a 30g.,weekly will be your best bet.Like Biff said,10-20% weekly should be good.
i like weekly water changes. if you get in the habit of doing it on a scheduled time it makes it easier to remember and do. otherwise it gets too spread out and it seems to be less often, which is not good for your algae problem

ah how easy it would be to go back to water changes on a 30 gallon. I hink some of you on here feel my pain when when our water changes are more volume than the size of a 30 gallon tank!
i met a guy once who swore he did not do a water change for a year with his fuge, additives, and cleaning crew. He insisted that they were not necessary. I just plain like doing them. I think they erase a lot of tiny mistakes made during the week.

So there is still very little improvement in the tank and I was wondering would it be worth it to put all the fish and live rock into a 10 gallon tank while I start the 30 gallon tank over again cleaned, new filters and good r/o water?
That all depends on the size and type of fish you got.Also keep in mind that the parameters in a 10gal will swing a whole lot more than in your 30.
don't move your fish. if you do, there is a chance you will stress out your fish and they will get sick. leave them be in the 30 and work to improve water quality there, rather than try to start over again. chances are you will lose all your current livestock. You still have a good chance to get things cleaned up.

Well I took the chance a put the fish in the 10 gallon tank and everything worked smoothly. With everyone on this site help I set the 30 gallon up the correct way this time and everything has been running great now for a few days.

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great job!!! I am sure your fish are much happier, as are you I am sure.
