non cheato


Reef enthusiast
Ok, In my sump, I have an algae which is not cheato as the guy at the LFS has none left. And yes, I would buy biffs, but it would most likely be illegal to ship in. :shock:

I just wanted to know something, i got told about my algae being able to turn sexual? and that I need to trim it or something?

what exactly does this mean? :scratchch
Algae is just a plant. I think what he was meaning it will grow and reproduce no matter what. If it starts growing out of your sump sure you will need to trim it. Did he have a name for this algae? There are lots of differant macro algae out there.
Ok, In my sump, I have an algae which is not cheato as the guy at the LFS has none left. And yes, I would buy biffs, but it would most likely be illegal to ship in. :shock:

I just wanted to know something, i got told about my algae being able to turn sexual? and that I need to trim it or something?

what exactly does this mean? :scratchch

Nothing is illegal until you get caught :D
I think you mean asexual which I'm not sure is the correct term.But us reefers use the term anyways.It mean when macro-algae dies spilling its guts into the water column.This often adds pollutants and clouds the water.
He's probably talking about caulerpa algae which can turn sexual and release toxins into the tank and kill livestock. Does it look like this?

Caulerpa will shoot out a mass of spores on occasion and then the spores will decay and cause a 'trate spike. Cheato won't do that. An Aussie huh? Can't you just grab your stuff right off the Great Barrier reef?
So basically, the idea is, if I keep it alive and it doesnt grow out of my sump, its fine?

and here are the pictures of the algae.


I don't know what species of macro that is but they all work the same. It's a plant. It eats the same stuff the bad algae in our tanks eat. We grow this stuff in our sumps to keep the bad algae from growing in our display tanks. If it's growing in the sump then it's depriving the DT algae of its nutrients. You may need to trim it back some but it will also stop growing on its own when it occupies all the space it can.
If you have a macro that will go sexual, you'll be able to tell when it does. It will start to turn white and then go more transparent. When this happens, just pull it out and you won't have to worry about the negative effects. I've heard some bad stories about people who didn't know or weren't watching it and it has the potential to kill things if it does.

Just keep an eye on it. It should be easy enough to remove.

A Warning Sign of Impending Caulerpa Sporulation by Gene Schwartz -
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He's probably talking about caulerpa algae which can turn sexual and release toxins into the tank and kill livestock. Does it look like this?

This is what I got in my tank also should I get it out???????
Get ready Biff it could be time to raise your prices:mrgreen:
It's not something to panic about. That macro will work fine, but you need to keep an eye on it. I had some in my tank and slowly pulled it out as the chaeto grew larger. Now I'm all chaeto.