Nitrite question


Coral Junkie
I had my nitrute down to .3 now its at .5 -.6 after i did my tank change I know its a little high but do you thank it will hurt my clowns?
You really dont have to worry about nitrates untill they start getting close to 20ppm.
At .5 or .6,your clowns not even gonna notice em.
.5 is a strange reading for nitrate.I never had a test kit that reads less than 1ppm.If your talking about nitrite and not nitrate then yes,it could be deadly to the clowns.
Nitrate aint as poison as nitrite.
If you got nitrites,you need to do a pretty good water change.Then figure out whats causing the problem.
The nitrogen cycle of an aquarium is a chain reaction in nature resulting in the birth of various types of nitrifying bacteria, each with their own job to do. Each new bacteria born consumes the previous one, and in turn gives birth to the next bacteria.
The three components involved to make this happen are ammonia (NH³ or NH³+4), nitrite (NO²), and nitrate (NO³).Ammonia being the most toxic then nitrite.Although not as toxic as ammonia,it still can be deadly to life in your system.Nitrate is the final by-product of nitrite consuming bacteria.Its the least deadliest of the three and in small amounts is considered harmless in a way.
if your nitrites are high, it usually means that something is decomposing bigtime in your tank, lots of snails a missing fish, too much food, etc

How long ago did you change your tank? Moving stuff around could have disrupted the nitrogen cycle and caused another mini cycle while things get settled back down. But I agree with everyone else find out what is making it high and try to fix it before it causes major problems

well my nitrites were almost gone the cycle was almost complete then i bought My clowns because the nitrite was so low and it had been thirty days but then I upgraded my tank due to the other one leaking there is no amonia but there is a little nitrite so Im just gonna keep my fish on a strict diet for a week or so and hope for the best.