Nitrate 911!!!!help!!!!

OK, so today is march 9th... I just got home form the LFS.... with 11 more pounds of cured live rock. this will make my total 15 lbs of LR with 30/40 lbs of base rock. the "expert" there was a little baffled also after dercibing my tank and what Ihave been doing....He said after 9 months that the base rock I have should have plenty of bacteria on it now. he also said the same thing as many here. My system is SMALL. So NO more Fish for me! Just want to get everything stable in the next month of so and start planning my coral.
here is some of the rock.
this is with the flash, hope it is orange coraline !

looking down into the tank


front view

upper half
Are you and the fishlets still among the land of the living? You may want to attach clear tubing to a pump and run in some oxygen if the clown starts to huff and puff again. I did that for most of one day and for a couple of hours the next day. Three "fish experts" said it would not hurt. It's not like you'd be making the clown "ventilator dependent"!! (Sorry, RNs are weird like that). It made a huge difference because Mac and Merri, my maroon and gold clowns, responded immediately. I had had an 80 nitrate reading probably due to overfeeding (I have learned my newbie lesson--the entire thing freaked me out as has this near sentinel event so done to you).

Keep us posted!!

Wow, I somehow missed the photos of your hexagonal aquarium. Truly a beautiful work of art! I am a total clown fanatic, and now will attempt to post some photos of my fishlets! Keep those pictures coming!!

This is one hobby that can drive you crazy real quick,then pump up your ego when things work out.
The rock work looks great.
as of rigth now piggy , that is it . i have a total of about 15 lbs live and 30/40 lbs base which since it has been it since the begining should be live now too.
i just test and the results are way better then they were.
Ammonia = 0
Nitrite = 0
Ph = 8.2
Nitrate = about 20ppm
better then 80 ppm.
salinity was 1.024
Is it me or does that piece of rock on the left hand side of your last picture look like Gingy the gingerbread man from Shrek? I love that piece of rock!
Wow I was just about to ask what everyone was smoking to see puppies and teddy bears in Rays tank but the one does look like the gingerbread man. Dude we are all reading way too much into these rocks!

Yes, good numbers for all your hard work, Rayray!!! Maybe now you will be okay. I am sure you are aware not to overfeed, because the left over food decays and can cause spikes in all those chemicals for which you tested!! Some fish owners even feed every other day.

What do you feed your fishlets, how much, and how often?

Have a terrific day!!

Hey Matti, Yes , I Learned Early On Not To Over Feed. Its Hard To Do Though. I Only Feed Once A Day. I Switch From Frozon Mysis Shrimp & Formula One Flake. I Chip Off A Little Piece Of The Cube And Rinse It With The Mysis And A Pinch Of The Flake. Its Goes A Long Way. I Am Still Trying To Lower The Nitrate, I Think One More Water Change Should Be Good. It Was Down To 20ppm And I Want It Under 10 If I Can. Thanks For The Replies !!

Sounds like you are doing good. I am not sure, maybe someone can confirm, but I cannot get below the 20ppm either. I believe it has to do with my canister filter (do you have one?)

Before I went to the canister filter, my nitrates were below 10ppm. Once I added the canister, it went to and stayed at 20ppm. Everything seems to be thriving and doing good, so I am not too worried. BTW, all the other numbers are perfect, 0 ammonia / 0 nitirite / etc., etc.

Although, your fish may become diabetic with that gingerbread cookie rock in your tank! ;)
Messiah, I Do Not Have A Canister Filter,but Did Hear That If They Are Not Cleaned Often That They Can Cause Nitrate Troubles.
I Just Run A Protein Skimmer With Live Rock And Live Sand. But Did Run A Hob Emperor 280 Which Had A Bio-wheel And When I Removed That From My System I Am Thinking I Had A Mini Cycle Which Drove My Nitrates Through The Roof!!!
Thanks Sarah, I Might As Well Just Use The Frozen Then !! Of Course I Give Them Live Brine So They Can Chase Them Around. The Wife Said They Were All Out Swimming Today So That Is A Good Sign. They Havent Left Their Caves Since Saturday. Seems To Be Getting Better.