night time creatures


Reefing newb
The first picture is something I've never seen before in the tank. It's a long black and white striped worm looking thing. It was coming out from behind a rock and I couldn't get the best pic of it but it was about 4" or 5" long and maybe 1/4" thick. It would also retract back into it's cave after I moved the flashlight away from it.

The second pic is the long skinny clear strands stretching out from the white small white mass at the top of the picture. The strands are at least 7 or 8 inches long and move around all over and I can see it pulling in little bits from the rocks.

The last picture is of something I noticed a while ago. It's really hard to see in the picture but it is the darker red thing in the middle of the picture. It looks like a part of the rock but I can see sometimes it's open and sometimes it's closed. It seems to open up almost like a clam but all over instead of just across the body and when it's open inside looks almost like whale baleen.


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The first pic is a serpent starfish's arm coming out from the LR. The rest of the star is hiding away in the safety of the LR. Congrats. That's a great addition to your tank and a lucky find.
Second pic is a sweeper tentacle from a worm. They put them out to catch food then reel them in to eat. They are harmless.
Can't really see what you are talking about in the third pic. Could be a cleaner clam though just based on the description... maybe someone else can chime in.
Where do yall get such fun stuff like that? My LR didn't have jack s*** that I can tell, I sit for hours looking at it at night waiting for something lol
Its there. One day when your not looking something will catch your eye and there it will be. I found bristle worms, feather dusters (tiny ones) Q-tip sponges. Amhipods and aiptasia so take the good with the bad. Oh I forgot spaghetti worms
Its there. One day when your not looking something will catch your eye and there it will be. I found bristle worms, feather dusters (tiny ones) Q-tip sponges. Amhipods and aiptasia so take the good with the bad. Oh I forgot spaghetti worms

It's so true. About 2 months after I set up my tank I found a really neat little blue and red sea slug cruisin around the rocks. After 5 months of having my tank set up I keep seeing new things.
Yeah if you only set up the tank in December I wouldn't worry about not having mystery creatures just yet.

I didn't really see much for a few months, maybe a bristle worm here and there. But now as soon as the halides go off at night I see hundreds of various worms and bugs and snails and gross $h!t crawl out to feed........ on human flesh!!
Where do yall get such fun stuff like that? My LR didn't have jack s*** that I can tell, I sit for hours looking at it at night waiting for something lol

Your eyes just aint trained to spot such critters yet.:mrgreen: Just give it another couple of months.
I'm thinking about ordering some rock from TBS (maybe 40lbs or so). That should give me some added diversity. One piece I added as dead base rock, the other piece was from Petco, another from an unused tank at my LFS. The last piece was curing for the last month in a bucket so...what can I expect? :) I did see a bristleworm in the piece from my LFS so that I am happy about.