newbie Taking over an established tank. need a little help

Yes, although sumps make things easier, they are not necessary (especially for a smaller tank like yours). A skimmer would be really helpful, but be sure you research which one you buy first -- some brands are crappier than others. :)
You dont need the sump or the skimmer, they are just nice to have. But if you do get a skimmer, dont get a small cheap one. Save your money until you can afford to get a good once that way you dont have to buy twice.
You dont need the sump or the skimmer, they are just nice to have. But if you do get a skimmer, dont get a small cheap one. Save your money until you can afford to get a good once that way you dont have to buy twice.

Ok, good to know. What would be a good choice to use in my tank?
Reef octopus is a great brand as is the bubble king, SWC, aqua ramoa c (?). I really dont know that much about skimmers but I do know that you want to purchase one rated for twice your tank volume, and do your research carefully, there are lots of junky skimmers out there.
Reef octopus is a great brand as is the bubble king, SWC, aqua ramoa c (?). I really dont know that much about skimmers but I do know that you want to purchase one rated for twice your tank volume, and do your research carefully, there are lots of junky skimmers out there.

So I found two of the Reef Octopus brand HOB skimmers, and they're reasonable in price. (I assume). But there are two variations of normal, and one with a "Top-Off system"...What is that, and what is its bennifits? It's more expensive, but not by much.
Well, I got the tank today, got it home and am now sitting in front of it! :) The fish are swimming along just fine. the Lobster was fine when I put him in there...havent really seen him since, but mainly because the water hasnt really settled yet. still pretty foggy. I'm thinking I'll buy the protein skimmer within the next two weeks, then let everything get settled and aquainted before adding anything extra.
You probably wont see much of the lobster, they are nocturnal and tend to stay in the rocks.

Glad to hear the move when well!
You probably wont see much of the lobster, they are nocturnal and tend to stay in the rocks.

Glad to hear the move when well!

yeah, thats what I had expected, but the funny thing is, the only time he's been visible is when I turn on all the lights...I think the previoius owner got him off of his schedule. haha. all Is still well with the tank, water is nice and clear, the fish are active, snails and crabs are moving along...I think it was a successful trip:bounce:. I do have a couple more questions though.

1) The pump is dripping pretty badly, and I've gone over all of the troubleshooting steps and such to try to stop it with some success, but theres still a bit of a leak...would it be ok, chemical wise, if I got some liquid seal and did a little amatuer plumbing?

2) I've only got two fish in there at the moment, and no corals...How long should I wait to get one more fish and some plantlife in there? and how chancy is it to have those things shipped to me? the nearest fish store is about 3.5 hours away from me.

3) I've currently got 2 small hermits (1 blue leg, 1 red leg), 1 bigger snail, 5 small snails, and the lobster in there...can somebody please recommend some more inverts to help me keep the tank clean as possible?

once again, thank you all for any help! :wave:
Im not sure about the plumbing stuff. I would start a new thread on that, you may need to buy a new pump.

I would wait at least a few more weeks before adding any fish, and I would wait at least an other week to add any corals. Make sure everything settles out ok.

I would check out to get an idea of what you want to see in a CUC, but if you dont have an algae for the CUC to eat, there isnt any point in buying them.
Re: #2

I haven't been terribly impressed with my local fish stores. Before you commit to 7 hours of driving, make sure they have a huge selection.

I use for my fish orders.
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I like to browse Live aquaria and see all of my stocking options. It is a good idea that if you are at the lfs and you see a fish or coral that interests you, just hop on there and look it up that way you know more about it.
+1 dixie!!

And even spend some time looking at the fish you think you dont like, because sometimes seeing them in person can change your mind!!
Re: #2

I haven't been terribly impressed with my local fish stores. Before you commit to 7 hours of driving, make sure they have a huge selection.

I use for my fish orders.

I like to browse Live aquaria and see all of my stocking options. It is a good idea that if you are at the lfs and you see a fish or coral that interests you, just hop on there and look it up that way you know more about it.

Well I checked out Live Aquaria, and am pretty pleased with the types of fish I'm able to have with this tank...I thought i'd be much more limited in my options. I'm thinking of giving away the fish that are in there now, and going with a slightly more agressive route. I love anglers! lol
Just be aware the that angler will eat any fish that can fit in its mouth, which is about the same size as the angler. So you will need to make sure the fish that is with the angler will always be larger