New to marine and coral keeping

carlo holder

Reefing newb
hi all just joined your forum to day
where do I add photos ?
I wanna do this right this time not make to many post ?
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You can add photos into any of your posts, but you may want to start a showcase where you can have a running therad for your build.


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added a few pictures of my fluval m60 been maturing since November last year
I'm new to marine keeping these are man made rocks cost me £20 a rock lol ;)
plus I'm using live red sea reef sand
have I done it right up loading pictures ?
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how do I change the numbers on attachment into words ?

You mean the file names? You have to change them on your PC before you upload them. Once you have uploaded an image you should see it listed below your post - you can then decide whether to add the image into your post as either a full image or a thumbnail - just place your cursor where you want the image then select the option you want (full or thumb). Hope this helps! :)
You mean the file names? You have to change them on your PC before you upload them. Once you have uploaded an image you should see it listed below your post - you can then decide whether to add the image into your post as either a full image or a thumbnail - just place your cursor where you want the image then select the option you want (full or thumb). Hope this helps! :)
yea I just gathered that thanks ;)

its not letting me up date photos
u regone my tank looks ok I got planes for my reef tank o_O


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how do I know that my corals are breeding ? or sporning ?:)

I'm thinking of getting hermit crabs are they reef safe ?;)
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Most are reef safe, look at for good deals on CUC. Your corals will not likely spawn in the aquarium there’s just too many variables ie tidal surge, lunar cycle that we just can’t duplicate. The corals will grow and split or branch, mushrooms will move around on the rocks and leave a small piece of their foot which will grow into another mushroom. Watching and learning that’s the fun part!
my fluval m60 was made for growing corals
my tank cost from £500 . reduced from £700 :)

how do I put pictures in showcase ?
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