new tank stats


Reef enthusiast
I told those who read my first post I would do tests tonight. My last set of tests were on the 11th.


ph 8.0
sg 1.022
ammonia 0
nitrite 0.25
nitrate 20
temp 80

tonight 11/17/07

ph 8.2
sg 1.021
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate between 10-20 (hard to tell)

Now I just want the green to go away, my skimmer and lights to show up! Although the green cleared up alot with my partial water change.....(:
Looks like your cycle is done.
Now just get your skimmer hooked up and you'll be ready for a couple of fish.
funny, I'm new to this, but I never got an ammonia spike. My nitrates were over 40 at one point, my nitrites over 5, but my ammonia never moved from 0 in the past 5-6 weeks
A lot of times,When you start with cured rock you may not get any ammonia.
When we set up displays at my LFS,we use cured rock and completely stock the tank.I have yet to see one of them cycle when its set up that way.
I don't have a clue, I know my 3 year old wants clowns, other than that I thought I had a ton of time to things are getting close!!!
I'm guessing Green Star Polyps from the description she gave my wife, but I'll find out for sure before I go adding anything