New tank set up


Reefing newb
Hello everyone! Just purchased a 125Gl saltwater tank with everything on it. Just got it last sunday and have not able to set up yet. My questions are as follows:

- how long it will take for Beneficial bacteria to die without running the tank?
- I cured the water in a 50gl bucket since sunday, is it still safe to use?

Thanks in advance.
make sure to toss a table shrimp into the tank to all the bacteria to grow. At that point it should take a couple of weeks for the shrimp to rot away. Once that happens you are good to go. Make sure to go slow and monitor the ammonia for any spikes. The key is patience!!!
Do you think those existing beneficial bacteria are now dead, since the tank is not set up yet since sunday? So I have to start all over for cycel the tank?
Yes you are gonna have to cycle the tank again, because you will have had die off from the tank being taken down and reset back up.
Cycle may start on its own from die off of live rock. But you can just throw a raw table shrimp (Kind you eat) into the tank for a few days and the ammonia from that will restart the cycle.