new tank sandstorm


Reef enthusiast
How long will it take for all the sand to settle?

It's so cloudy I can't see anything

Should I keep the pump and skimmer on or off? I have had them running for a day now and I just shut them off to see if it would settle faster
Yea it's cleared up quite a bit now and it's only been a day, still has a ways to go too but it's cycling very quickly

I'll post pics when it's crystal clear
so while I have your guys attention I need help with deciding on live stock

Corals ( Probably LPS and soft)
Fish ( I love clowns)
Shrimp ( I will have one peppermint assuming he's still living in my 12)

It's 34 gallons with protein skimmer and surface skimmer and carbon and a sponge filter
purple firefish and a potters angelfish. Also look at neon dottyback
Blood shrimp for sure
what ever LPS that float your boat. I am a fan of the bright colored zoas and the meaty, LPS that sway in the current, like hammers, frogspawn, and goniapora.

Xenia is also cool

Once the cycle is done look at some clean-up crews and smaller fish for that size tank.Dartfish,Pseudochromis,Ocellaris/Percula/skunk clowns.There's just to many to list.

Start with schrooms and zoas first,then wait a month til you try LPS.Then wait til your system is six months before SPS.Keep the softies like leathers to a minimum or not at all,if you decide on sps.

ricordeas,neon zoas,frogspawn,acan lords,blastos,red/green open brains,red lobos are just some of my favorite corals that aren't difficult to keep.
When you tanks mature enough and your ready to start adding SPS.Start with the Stylophoras,hydrophora and montis.Those are easier to keep and not as touchy.