new tank pics

T Fades

Reefing newb
Stoked, got my JBJ 28g going strong so far after 5 weeks. 28 lbs indonesian LR, 25 lbs careb LS.:^:

Cycled in 2 weeks (A-0, NI-0, NA-10, pH-8.1). At week 3, got a couple astreas, a fire shirmp, and an emerald.

At week 4 (same waters params as above, except NA now 7), added a couple nass. snails and a firefish.

This week, week 5, params still good, added a couple trochus snails and my first corals (xenia, zoa colony, and a red shroom). Waiting to make sure where they are happy before removing them from they pegs and epoxying them to the LR.

Anyway, here are a couple pics of the tank. :Cheers:


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Thx everyone! Truly hooked to sw now.

Another shot of the zoas and shroom.

Can you spot the fire shrimp lurking in the darkness?


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