New tank, cloudy water


Reefing newb
Set up my 55 gallon tank 5 days ago and the water is still cloudy from when I mixed the salt. It dissipated a bit after the first 2 days, but is steady hazy now and not changing. I set up this tank just to get in the habit of water changes and testing before I add anything. I'm assuming it is the salt, but how do I get rid of the perma-haze. My water conditions are as follows:

Sp. Grav. 1.0225
Temp: 80*
Ammonia 0
Nitrate 0
Nitrite 0
PH 7.75
KH about 200 (hard to read test)
hmmm.... do you have a sandbed? and if so what size of sand particles (grains?)

No sandbed, there's nothing in the tank except saltwater and an airstone until i can get two powerheads (this weekend). The water did come from the tap though.

No LR. I have heater, Rena Filstar, an airstone, Lighting. It has been running like that for 5 days.
hmmm..... in fresh tanks hazy water (greyish haze) can mean an outbreak of planaria (if i recally) but i doubt that's even close... stupid question.... but if you wipe/clean the inside of the glass, does it help? :P

any way it could be microbubbles? you really don't need that airstone at all.... it's doing nothing, considering the rena filter is doing plenty of oxygenating..... and when you start stocking it you'll have powerheads.... so take it out to cut down on haze possibilities.... couldn't hurt.
could potentially be a bacterial bloom due to the tap water.... which isn't a problem really considering the bacteria would die off once the excess nutrients are used up. (and believe me... taps got plenty.)
It doesn't look that bad to me. I should clear up completely within a week. You could put some filter floss in your filter for a few days to help.
I would also do a small water change....maybe 5-10g and take out your filter pads from the Rena and rinse them and then put them back in. Your water does not look bad to me either. When you finally put your substrate and LR in it, it will get cloudy again.

What size Rena do you have?

The "experienced" ones on here are not a fan of canister filters on saltwater tanks. The bio filters (balls, stars, sponges etc) tend to build up waste and your nitrates will rise. I am running an Eheim on mine but I took out the bio filter parts (the balls) and am just running it with the filter pads that I clean often. I have two Renas (XP3 and XP4) on my 125g Cichlid tank and they are GREAT. I'm just not a huge fan of them on my SW tank due to the excessive cleaning that I have to do to keep my nitrates down.
I would also do a small water change....maybe 5-10g and take out your filter pads from the Rena and rinse them and then put them back in. Your water does not look bad to me either. When you finally put your substrate and LR in it, it will get cloudy again.

What size Rena do you have?

The "experienced" ones on here are not a fan of canister filters on saltwater tanks. The bio filters (balls, stars, sponges etc) tend to build up waste and your nitrates will rise. I am running an Eheim on mine but I took out the bio filter parts (the balls) and am just running it with the filter pads that I clean often. I have two Renas (XP3 and XP4) on my 125g Cichlid tank and they are GREAT. I'm just not a huge fan of them on my SW tank due to the excessive cleaning that I have to do to keep my nitrates down.

I have an XP2. I will clean them and do the small water changes using RO or DI water. Thats all im running in it is the filter sponges.
The top filter pad in the Rena I use quilt batting from Walmart and change it at least once a month. It is the one that catches the most waste. :)
Don't worry, you water looks good.