New Skimmer.


Reefing newb
So i`m new to skimmers, And I don`t really know to much about them. I just purchased HOB Reef Octopus BH 100, I was wondering if anyone had any experiance or tips on setting it up, i`ll be using it in my 29G.

Also how much of a difference will using a skimmer make?
I've never used that one before, but they are all similar in that they pump water mixed with air into a reaction chamber where it will create foam that will rise into a collection cup. They usually have a "break-in" period so don't be alarmed if it's not foaming quite as expected at first. Hopefully, it came with instructions as to how to actually put it together. Once it's running, just make sure that your water level is adjusted so that you don't fill the collection cup with water. After you get it broken-in, the foam will rise higher so you may want to start with the level lower than it seems like it actually needs to be. Using a skimmer will make all the difference in the world :).
Thanks Mng.

And i'll let ya know soon as it arrives :) I just ordered it lastnight so is going to be a little while yet. :(