new pic.

At least I was able to predict your behavior of searching meaningless lines of internet to prove a point. Now then, about that car repair???

-Dr Marco :sfish:
Yeah what about that car repair? I will say that the window is in an upright and locked position. However, it is not completely fixed, as there are broken parts that need replacing.
BTW, I did mean the "modster" comment as a play on words - so you probably read it right. I would have responded sooner, but I was viewing the wonderful posts on "Reefs 210g Journal" and got side tracked.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
heavens no Dom, I am not a shrink. that slur is reserved for psychiatrists, who prescribe meds. I am a real therapist, a psychologist, one who went to school to help people, not drug them up on unnecessary medications while hoping to miracle away people's problems through psychopharmacology. No harm done at all my friend....although, I may have just disclosed a personal bias there, huh?

As for being up late, we are always up late. Why should tonight be any different?

-Dr Marco :sfish:
Yes. Planning to take over the world takes time! Our nefarious planning meetings sometimes last into the wee morning hours!
that doesn't count, you just woke up early to post that. You were asleep during our

-Dr Marco :sfish:
sorry guys and gal, but i am getting to OLD to stay up that late. maybe every now and then ... i can hang out late. lol
Ha! Do you know what time it is right now for me? 3:59 am. I just got home. Know what time I got home last night? Around 3:00 am. And had to go into work at 8:00 am. It's going to be a snoozeful weekend for me.