New maintenance schedule !!!!

Check the water with a test kit. I am not kidding. I used to get it from the LFS and I couldn't get my numbers in check. There water was 20ppm nitrates. They told me to come get more water after they changed there filters. I told them to shove it. They are out of business now.
Good News !!!!
I got some water, Mixed up 5 gallons of new saltwater just incase there were nitrates in the water, TESTED the water and NO NITRATES!!!!!:bounce::bounce::bounce::^:

So If all goes well, I will have my NITRATE troubles under control !!!!!! I will be doing at least 5 gallons a week now !!!
Thanks for all the advise !!!:bowdown:
So I have been keeping my schedule on my water changes. I am doing 10 gal. a week. And my Nitrates have been pretty low, around 10 ppm I would say. My goal is to have it below 10ppm, LIKE ZERO !!!!
Good job!! Glad you found cheaper ro/di water :) I know that helped me a lot (switching to ro/di). Maybe eventually, you can get your own rodi unit. That's what I ended up doing. More convenient than running to the store with your containers everytime you need a water change. Plus you don't have to worry about putting in too much salt and not having any fresh water to dilute it LOL (I've done that a few times...hehehe)
when was the last time you took your skimmer apart and cleaned it? I had a nitrate problem for about 7 month, I had never taken apart the skimmer because I didn't know it came apart till I really looked it over and after that NO PROBLEMS the next day I tested and nitrates were 0. so now I take it apart and clean it at least once a month. I had been doing daily water changes also and I didn't have hardly any change in the test but now my tank is cycling so I have the green algea going wild but I have been some what keeping it under control..
sorry I just read through all the post and I see your nitrates are under control thats GREAT to hear I did send you a private message about a RO/DI water systm that I have and it's very afordable and well worth it..
Hey Ray,

Everyone is giving you good advice,
Let's try to determine WHAT is the root source of your nitrate problem though.

Controlling the problem is one thing, but actually eliminating the root source is another.

For about 6 months, I had 40ppm nitrates.
I used RO/DI water, had a skimmer, and did 10g per week changes in a 30g.
I kept the nitrates between 20-40ppm ALWAYS....

This was a bandaid obviously.

I took a hard look at my feeding.
I changed what I was doing and now I have 0ppm consistantly.

Rather than dumping the frozen cube of mysis into the tank, I pre-thaw with RO/DI.
I also only put a small amount in the tank at a time, just enough for the 4 fish to chomp on. If they finish, I put in a couple more pieces.
There is little to no leftover foods.
I also feed every other day (M-W-F) nothing on weekends but dosing phyto/cyclo.

I believe the excess food in the tank was causing my nitrate spikes.

See if you can investigate the root cause of your nitrate problems for a long-term solution.

Good Luck!
Once a day seems a bit much. I give half cube every other day. I only have two clowns and a few corals I target feed. I know at least one who only feeds once a week.
I feed my 30g with (4) fish & (2) shrimp a small bit of mysis or prepared frozen every other day too (skip weekends).

The fish graze the LR on off days and weekends. I attribute this schedule to bringing me to zero ppm nitrates.
I feed twice a day, just a small pinch full or until they start spitting out the food or wander off. I just have the 2 clowns and a bunch of cucs. I shut off my powerheads so I can be sure the fish have a chance to catch the food without it zipping away to parts unseen!
I hate to say it,but I've not fed my tank anything but zooplankton(for the corals)since I upgraded tanks.That was 2 or 3 weeks ago.My LMB looks like a pot bellied cow,the atlantic tang is fat and sassy,and the fairly wrasse and to shabby either.But all 3 are always picking at the rock work.