New Logo?


I am a girl
We've received the go-ahead from Ian to try and spice up the site with a new logo. You can submit your entries here, and if Ian sees something he likes, he may choose it to be the new Living Reefs logo.

The logo has to match the current theme and colors though, so it would blend in with the site as it is now. The current background color that it would be on is #5BBDF2. You also can't use any copyrighted images or stuff like that in your logo.

If you care to participate, post your ideas here!
No, it's not on hold. Catherine was trying to find a place to get them printed, since she convinced everyone to vote against me having them printed in bulk, and the two places she had suggested will not do Dennis' design. :mrgreen:
If anyone likes this logo and has a picture that has a smilar color scheme for me to use instead let me know and we can mess around with different photos in the text.


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other then the colors, are there any other things that yall want to keep concerning the logo? font, size, use of fish etc? or is it just "go for what ya know"!
Do whatever! This isn't a contest where we can vote on the winner, as Ian has some things with coding and existing code or something technical that I don't really get. But he did think it was a good idea, and was excited to see what people would come up with.
other then the colors, are there any other things that yall want to keep concerning the logo? font, size, use of fish etc? or is it just "go for what ya know"!

You can make the logo look like whatever you want, as long as it works on the same colour background :).

I wasn't intending on changing the logo or design, but since Cory has designed an alternative we may as well open it up to anyone else that has an idea. If something comes along that works better than the current one, then we may be able to swap it over :). Like Biff said, it's not a voting competition but a place where people can post their ideas for a logo if they have one and then we can have a think what to do at the end.