New live rock


Reefing newb
I purchased some live rock and most of the pieces have small red fan worms growing on the rocks. While my tank is cycling do I need to feed these fan worms?

The second growth is on another rock which looks like grey bread mold. Is this good or bad, if good do I need to feed? If it is bad than do I need to do anything special after I remove the live rock?

The tank has been up for 2 weeks and the amonia is 0 and the nitrate is lowering but not 0 yet.

The 55 gal tank will have some easy corals and some fish, what is a good salinity level? I was told because of the corals it should be higher than norm.

Thanks for the help.
You don't need to feed them. They are easy hitch hikers and will do fine on their own -- very hardy. The moldy looking thing is most likely a sponge. They are harmless and don't need to be fed, but don't do well in direct light, so if you want to keep it around, put that side of the rock in a shaded area.

Salinity will be good around 1.025 to 1.026. A little variance from that is fine -- having it stable is what's important. :)
[quoteI purchased some live rock and most of the pieces have small red fan worms growing on the rocks. While my tank is cycling do I need to feed these fan worms?][/quote]
They are filter feeders, no need to feed

I would not worry about the mold looking stuff, its most likely something breaking down dead stuff on your rock or a type of sponge, either is prolly harmless and if they persist or spread and you dont like them you can get rid of em.

I would have waited until the cycle was completely finished to add live rock but you may be ok if your levels aren't that high :)

I like to keep my reef at 1.026 specific gravity :)
Cycling using live rock is probably the most common way to do it. Other ways are to add a piece of shrimp from the grocery store and let it rot in the tank. You can add more live rock after the cycle is done if you don't want to (or can't afford to) buy it all at once.
Arrived home this evening and looked at the tank. On the back glass there is green algae growing. On most of the rocks (including the live rocks that were purchased and live sand) there is a brown like algae growing. I noticed the brown growth last night but the green until tonight. The tank is 0 on amonia and holding 20 on nitrate, I do not have any other test kits for other levels. Ok what next?
Do you have your tank setup near windows or skylights? What powerheads did you choose for water flow? What type of light fixture are you running? Sorry for all the questions, just trying to help...are you able to post any pictures liljohn?
The brown in probably diatoms.They are a natural part of new tank and will go away on their own.Don't worry about em.
The green is also natural.It's going to happen.You just have to keep it under control through water changes and keep excess nutrients to a minimum.
While the tank is cycling,run your lights on a reduced schedule.
Good morning, the tank is set up in a corner that does not get direct sunlight but the room is bright.
I have a wet dry system filled with live rock and a pump that flows 550 GPH. I will add a couple of fans at a later date, unless I should add them now.
The lighting T5 that is too small for the tank. I will get better lighting, I would like a LED system and would like suggestions for a system, I have not posted that on the lighting forum yet. I am still learning just about cycling and parameters.
Your tank is going through the normal thing you can do is continue to be patient, and let it complete it's cycle. Mine took 4-5 weeks to fully cycle using the LR method.
LED lights are much more expensive than T5 or metal halide lights. With T5s and metal halides, they use a lot more electricity and you have to change the bulbs out once a year or so (which isn't cheap), so the cost is spread out instead of right up front. With LEDs, they use a fraction of the electricity and the bulbs don't need to be changed. If you want to spend less on lighting right now, T5s or metal halide are a better option for you.