New Linear Blenny


Well, I've made my first addition to my tank ... I decided to go with a blenny since they graze on algae, and at the moment I've got a ton of it! I found this little guy on the Diver's Den site and got him in on Sat. He still very skiddish and hides if I get really close to the tank but, he's been making short work of the hair algae that overran my tank.

Thanks! Tell me about it, I'm am pretty surprised though, between him and my urchin they've almost got one whole rock cleared already
Thanks guys, he's really interesting to watch, I'm just hoping he gets less afraid of me being near the tank. He's also been getting a really cool purple color to him.
my blenny didnt come out for about a month after i got him but now he is out all day every day...give him some time, he'll be out more.