New fish


Reefing newb
When you are just starting to get fish, how often can you add a new fish? And how do you know when it is ok to add a new fish? Thanks!
QT fish first for a month or so
Add fish to DT
Wait another month or two
Buy new fish
Qt again for a month or so
Add fish to DT again

Thats prolly the right way to do it.
But who really does it.
Since I've not Qtanked anything yet( knock on wood).
Add one (sometimes 2),Keep an eye on ammonia and nitrite for 2 or 3 weeks,If all stays good,add one or 2 more in the 5th or 6th week.

I cant be held responsible if this doesnt work for anyone.
When you add something to your tank that will increase the bio load, you need to test for a mini cycle and see what your system does. i.e. ammonia, nitrite, and nitrates. if none is read in 10 days you are good to go again, however, if you have a read on the ammonia or nitrites you need to let the system settle back down before adding any more.
Yeah I guess it is a toss up, but I usualy watch the fish for a while before I buy. I have had one fish get ich but it was a couple months after I bought it and after I took the coral it was hosting out and right after its mate died, then he got it. Other than that I have had no problems at all.