new fish


part time reefer
i got a new fish to day it was between a yellow eyed tang or the foxface and i got the foxface because i was not shure how big the tang got until i got home with the foxface or i would have got the tang dang it.

pics in a min
heres one pic in the bag

NICE! I sooooo wanted a fox face but I wanted to mix up my colors...already had the blue damsel and blue headed wrasse, didn't want to have a yellow tang and a yellow fox face, so I got the true perc (typical :grumble:) and now I'm pretty sure I'm maxed out on fish for my tank :grumble:x2

:Cheers: Congrats! ...I'm jealous :grumble:x3
I haven't had one of these before yote. Will they aggressively come after you when your hand is in the tank or only if you were to grab one? Sorry James for hijacking. Just curious. Thanks.
I haven't had one of these before yote. Will they aggressively come after you when your hand is in the tank or only if you were to grab one? Sorry James for hijacking. Just curious. Thanks.

oh you are fine asking i am wanting to know more about it also. i know they hurt but am wondering just how bad i guess i will find out if i get stung. i am betting it it just as bad as maybe a lion. i have seen people that have got stuck by a lion and that did not look fun
i am hoping i dont have to find out either may be i will make my wife stick her hand in there and tell her to try and pet it then i will know how bad it hurts :mrgreen:
Mine never actually TRYED to sting me.But he would catch me cleaning or placing corals in the tank and come up and nibble the hairs on my arm.If I wasnt paying attention to where he was at and let him surprise me,I'd end up jumping and get stung.
The big difference in a rabbitfish and lionfish sting,is a lion can choose weather or not to release its venom where a rabbitfish releases it every time.
If you really wanna know how bad it hurts,Just find the biggest hornets nest you can and stick your hand inside it.
well he is gone gone. i woke up a couple days ago and was watching the tank all day while i was home nothing. i am wondering if my fish are grtting stabbed by the long spine urchin (he is getting big with 7in spines or bigger). because now its the foxface and a sailfin tang
Sorry about your Foxface, James. Wow that was quick. That urchin sounds big, but it seems strange that a Foxface or Tang would be killed by it.